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    Welcome to

    Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council

Welcome to Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council’s Website, we hope that you find this a useful and informative source of information about the Parish.

Parish Council meetings usually take place on the third Tuesday of the month, except August. The first ten minutes are available for the public to express their view or ask a question on relevant matters on the agenda and they are welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting.

17 December 2024

Parish Council Meeting

Longwick Village Hall Tuesday 7:30 pm View Details
21 January 2025

Parish Council Meeting

Longwick Village Hall Tuesday 7:30 pm View Details

Latest Parish News

Application for a new premises licence received


December 2024

The Parish Council has been notified of an application for a premises license at Redpanda Fulfilment Limited, Unit 1 The Hub, Bumpers Farm, Ilmer, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9RE

This correspondence is formal notification that the application is available for public view at the Council Offices. The details of the application are also available to view on the Council website by clicking here. Please search using the address or postcode of the premises if using the search function. The reference for this application is PR202411-358954.

Formal representations in respect of this application must be received by the Licensing Team at the Council Offices by 25/12/2024. In order for representations to be considered valid they must relate to one or more of the licensing objectives. For further information and guidance relating to making a representation, please go to our website. The best way to make a representation is through the public register on the website, however if you are emailing a representation please send it to

Please be aware that the Licensing Act requires local authorities to provide to the applicant copies of all representations or objections made in relation to an application, therefore, the content of any representation submitted, including the details of the individual submitting the representation, will be disclosed. In some exceptional circumstances the law permits the names and addresses of persons making representations to be withheld. If an objector believes there are exceptional circumstances which justify their personal details being withheld from the applicant, they will need to advise the licensing section of this at the time of making their representation.

Any comments should be sent through to the licensing email address stated above.  

Survey for Additional Playground Equipment


November 2024
Picture of playground

Based on feedback from the recent Parish survey, Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council is considering adding new equipment to the play area and playing field. We'd love to hear your views on what you'd like to see.

The survey will be open until 30th November 2024. Please encourage your friends and family to participate.

Please click here for the survey

Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council
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