07521 161645
The allotment fields in parish are managed by two separate charities. The allotments in Bar Lane, Longwick are managed by the Princes Risborough Parochial Charities and the allotments in Stockwell lane, Meadle are managed by the Monks Risborough Parochial charities. The charities date back to the 1800’s, when the civil parish boundaries changed in 1934 the boundaries of the charities remained the same and today are roughly in line with the ecclesiastical boundaries. Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council has the right to be represented by trustees on each charity, although the trustees do not have to be parish councillors, trustees are elected for a term of four years, but can remain for longer periods. If you would like more information about the allotments contacts are as follows:
Bar lane, Longwick: Princes Risborough Parochial Charities Sue Coombs: 07774 944 324 or s.coombs@princesrisboroughtowncouncil.gov.uk
For Allotments within Meadle: Monks Risborough Parochial Charities Jane Rogers: j.rogers@longwickcumilmer.org.uk 01844 347906