Sign up to our Newsletters


October 2024

The Parish Council value your input and want to keep you updated on all the latest news and events in our community and therefore is establishing an email distribution list to share important updates, meeting notices, and event invitations directly in your inbox.

By clicking here this will take you to mailchimp where you can sign up to our newsletters which will commence in the New Year 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk 

Longwick-cum-Ilmer Neighbourhood Plan Review

Longwick Village Hall


October 2024

Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council held a drop in session to get residents views on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan Review.

We understand that some residents may not have been able to attend. Please refer to the document below for a summary of the presentation and information on how to submit your written feedback. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, 16th October 2024.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk:

Neighbourhood Plan Review Public Drop in Session

Longwick Village Hall


October 2024

The Parish Council will be holding a Neighbourhood Plan Review Public Drop in Session on Wednesday 2nd October from 3.45pm to 8pm at Longwick Village Hall. 

This is an opportunity to consider what the Neighbourhood Plan has achieved since it was made in 2018, and some possible themes for the future.

Children’s activities will be available and more ways to get involved in the coming months!

Response to First Phase Projects of the Longwick Transport Vision


September 2024

The Parish Council has finally received a response from Buckinghamshire Council regarding the First Phase Projects of the Longwick Transport Vision, which was submitted over a year ago.

You can find a copy of the document in the link below (additional documents) 

The Parish Council is not satisfied with the majority of the responses and is now pushing for a meeting with the relevant Buckinghamshire Officers, Thames Valley Police and Councillors to discuss potential amendments to the initial plans to move the proposals forward.

Following this meeting, the Parish Council will arrange a public meeting with all residents, which we hope will be attended by the relevant Buckinghamshire Council Officers and Thames Valley Police to explain their reasons for objecting to some of the proposals.

We understand that this situation may be frustrating for some residents, but please be assured that the Parish Council is doing everything within its power to move this forward.

Devolved Services Process


September 2024

Please see below a link to a document explaining the Devolved Services process and how to report any issues on highways or footpaths.  

Health and Wellbeing Event 21st September 2024

Longwick Playing Field


September 2024

Notice of Conclusion of Audit


September 2024

Please see below Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Signed off Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2023-2024

Community Governance Review Outcome


September 2024

A consultation on the proposal to change the number of councillors from 7 to 9 ran from Tuesday 7 May to Sunday 16 June.

The Standards and General Purpose Committee considered the consultation responses at its meeting held on 10 September. On the recommendation of the Community Governance Review Working Group, the Committee agreed the final recommendation, set out below:

To increase the number of councillors from 7 to 9 to reflect the increase in housing and population.

The Committee also agreed the Reorganisation Order which implements these changes. I can confirm that the above changes will take effect on 1 March 2025 so that they apply for the 1 May 2025 local elections.

The final recommendations have been published which brings the review to an end.

Survey Results 2024


September 2024

Please see below link to the Parish Council survey results

Allotments available in Stockwell Lane, Meadle


September 2024

Allotments available in Stockwell Lane, Meadle, size approx. 30m x 7.7m or 15m x 9.7m. Rent £35 or £20 per annum. 

For more information contact

Play in the Park Dates Announced

Longwick Playing Field


August 2024

Parish Survey 2024


August 2024

Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council would like to hear your views so we have created a short survey for you to complete

Have your say by clicking here

**Closing date for responses is the 17th August 2024**

Have Your Say - Local Nature Recovery Strategy


July 2024

Deadline Approaching for Community Governance Review


June 2024

Longwick cum Ilmer Community Governance Review


June 2024

Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council have proposed an increase in the number of parish councillors from 7 to 9, to reflect an increase in housing and population.

The Longwick cum Ilmer Community Governance Review will go live on 7 May and close on 16 June and you can have your say on the following link:

Drop In Session - Saturday 18th May 2024


May 2024

Chairman's Report 2023-2024


April 2024

Please find below a link to the Chairman's Report for 2023-2024

Please Keep Dogs Under Control

Longwick Playing Field


April 2024

The Parish Council kindly requests that all dog owners ensure their pets are kept under control while using the playing field. If your dog tends to chase running children or other dogs, please consider keeping it on a lead.

In light of a recent incident, the Parish Council is currently considering the introduction of a by-law mandating that dogs must be kept on leads, aligning with UK law.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated to maintain the safety and enjoyment of all visitors to the field.

Annual Meeting of the Parish - 7pm Tuesday 16th April 2024


April 2024

Tonight is the Annual Meeting of the Parish starting at 7pm at Longwick Village Hall. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no Chairman's report. This will be published on the Parish Council website in the next few weeks.

Neighbourhood Watch - Stolen Number Plates


March 2024

Longwick/Ilmer/Owlswick and Little Meadle NW

Alert Notice

Stolen Number Plates

17 March 2024

On 8 March a member has stated that both sets of number plates on their car had been stolen either from their driveway overnight on the Thame Road end of the village, or at the Phoenix Trail by the railway line next morning.

Secure Number Plates with tamper resistant screws.

The easiest way to change the identity of a stolen vehicle or avoid speeding tickets and parking tickets is to fit stolen number plates. Using security screws to attach your vehicle’s number plates makes it harder for thieves to get your number.

For Wheels for locking , anti tamper wheel nuts to secure alloy wheels.

Stolen wheels are valuable, either as parts or for their scrap value. Using locking wheel nuts reduces the risk of your vehicle’s wheels being stolen.

Advice on keeping your cars safe too:

Lock your vehicle.

Locking your vehicle, even when filling up or parked on your drive, greatly reduces the possibility of it being targeted by an opportunist thief. Even if you have locked your vehicle, check you haven’t left any windows or the sunroof open.

If your vehicle has wing mirrors that fold in automatically when locked, make sure you lock it properly. Criminal gangs are looking for vehicles like these where the wing mirrors are still out because it is clear to them that the vehicle has been left unlocked.

Close windows and sunroofs to prevent "fishing"

Leaving windows and the sunroof open invites fishing for items through the gap by hand or with, say, a bent coat hanger, which could also be used to unlock a door for them to get in. Thieves can be ingenious. Don’t give them the opportunity.

Secure anything that’s on the outside of your vehicle

Anything left on roof-racks, tailgate racks, holiday top boxes or in tool chests are easily stolen when the vehicle is parked. The use of cable locks, padlocks and self-locking tools chests, which are secured to the vehicle, makes them more secure, but still, don’t leave things in them if you can avoid it.

Take it with you or hide it

Your mobile phone, coins for the car park, sunglasses, packs of medication or other items that can earn quick cash are irresistible to the opportunist thief. Remember, the cost of replacing a window is often much more than that of what is stolen. And it should go without saying that wallets, handbags, purses and credit cards should never be left in an unattended vehicle.

Hide electrical items and leave no clues

Leaving sat nav mounts, suction cup marks on windows or cables on view gives it away that you have left a Sat Nav, smartphone or other device in your car. Even if they can not see the Sat Nav or iPad they might still break in to see if it is stored in the car, out of sight.

Tool theft from vans

Vans are often targeted by thieves for the tools stored inside. If you have to leave tools in a van overnight, it's a good idea to mark them clearly with your name / company name and address using paint pens and seal with a clear lacquer spray. Alternatively, you can use a variety of other property marking systems. Items that are clearly marked are less desirable and more difficult to sell on.

Consider using a lockable cabinet within your van to store tools – a number of security rated products are available. Small cameras are also designed to record inside vehicles.

Average Speed Cameras Update


March 2024

Information on Average Speed Cameras from Thames Valley Police 

Average Speed Cameras measure how long it takes you to travel between two set points on a road, measured by cameras at each point. This information is then used to calculate your average speed and only data and images of vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit are stored by the system.

Thames Valley Police (TVP) does not support third party funding for average speed systems. The installation of an average speed system should be fair and balanced across the Thames Valley area and not just at locations where third-party funding is available. The cost of an Average Speed system depends on site environment and type of equipment, for a system with one entry/exit camera this can be around £100k.

Mobile van enforcement already takes place in the area and other options such as, education through the Community Speedwatch initiative, the use of SID (Speed Indication Devices) and roadside enforcement by local Neighbourhood Officers should also be considered as potential solutions.

Effective engineering measures must also be considered such as the road layout including road humps, chicanes and tyre rumble devices, these can be implemented by Local Authorities in situations where general speed compliance is evidenced as an issue.

Repairs to Surfacing Around Tractor

Longwick Playground


March 2024

This morning, Cllr Myers, Cllr Barter and the Clerk were out measuring for new surfacing around the tractor area, aiming to improve its appearance and reduce the muddy areas for the children.

Summer Holiday Play Sessions


February 2024

The Parish Council are pleased to announce that we have approved for two play sessions over the Summer Holidays which will be run by JR Sports. Look out for further updates and confirmed dates.



February 2024

A new page has been added under village information for those that would like to volunteer / sign up for Community Speedwatch.

Drop in Session - Saturday 3rd February 2024


February 2024

BCS81/1 to the NW end of North Mill Road


November 2023

Buckinghamshire Council have recommended that a public footpath be added to the definitive map, linking the SE end of footpath BCS81/1 to the NW end of North Mill Road, thereby reinstating the route to and from Ilmer/Bledlow. 

Both Bledlow cum Saunderton Parish Council and Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council support Buckinghamshire Council’s DMMO recommendation, and as there has been an objection, the matter will go to a public inquiry. 

If you have every used the footpath BCS81/1 linking to the end of North Mill Road, and are prepared to make a simple user statement in support of the reinstatement of the path, please contact either Mike Britnell ( or Gerald Burry (

Neighbourhood Watch Alerts


November 2023

Please see below links to Neighbourhood Watch Alerts:


Parish Council Drop In Session

Longwick Village Hall Platinum Room


November 2023


Saturday 18th November 2023

11am – 12.30pm

Longwick Village Hall Platinum Room

A chance for you to drop in and meet your Parish Councillors Alexandra Barter and Brian Richards to discuss any issues which are affecting you in the Parish.

We hope to see lots of residents attending particularly those new to the village and if successful the Parish Council will hold these sessions on a regular basis.

Refreshments will be available and all are welcome so please do come along.

If you have any questions or would like to contact the Parish Council please email the clerk on:

Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (on behalf of Buckinghamshire Council)


October 2023

Please see document below with regards to a Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places.  

*Sharing on behalf of Buckinghamshire Council

A reminder to cut back hedges and trees


October 2023

The Parish Council has received a number of complaints regarding overgrown hedges over the last couple of weeks.

This is just a reminder that the bird nesting season is now over and it is an ideal time to trim back hedges and trees that are overgrown.

All hedges within the Parish are the responsibility of the adjacent landowner and to report any issues you can use FixMyStreet.

Longwick Playing Fields


September 2023

The Parish Council has been made aware of a situation that took place at the playing fields on Saturday 23rd September.

A member of the public confronted the organiser of the event which the Parish Council had approved and impersonated a Councillor and told the organiser they did not have permission and was generally very rude.

Understandably this really upset the organiser of the event as they had sought all the relevant permissions.

If there is an issue with the playing fields please contactthe Clerk or a Councillor and be minded that impersonating a person and providing a false statement is an offence under the Crime and Courts Act 2013, UK Public General Acts 2013 c. 22 schedule 5 Part 7 - Impersonation of a designated officer.



September 2023



Your local council has overall responsibility for the wellbeing of your local community. Their work falls into three main categories:

• Delivery of services;

• Improve quality of life for residents;

• Give communities a democratic voice.


As a local councillor you can become a voice for your community and make real change. Councillors are community leaders and represent the interests of the communities they serve.

Local councillors have three main responsibilities:

• Decision-making;

• Monitoring;

• Getting involved locally.


To stand for election / co-option to a local council you must be:

• a UK or Commonwealth citizen; or be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland; or be a citizen of another Member State of the European Union;

• at least 18 years old;

• an elector of the local council; or in the past 12 months occupied land or other premises in the area the local council serves (as owner or tenant); or work in the area local council serves (as your principal or only place of work); or live within three miles of the local council boundary

If you are interested, contact the Parish Clerk

Play in the Park Sponsored by the Parish Council


August 2023

Average Speed Cameras - A Reply from Thames Valley Police


July 2023

Average Speed Cameras measure how long it takes you to travel between two set points on a road, measured by cameras at each point. This information is then used to calculate your average speed and only data and images of vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit are stored by the system.

CCTV systems stay up and running, and can provide 24/7 monitoring of an area and can be monitored passively or by people.

Thames Valley Police (TVP) does not support third party funding for average speed systems. The installation of an average speed system should be fair and balanced across the Thames Valley area and not just at locations where third party funding is available. The cost of an Average Speed system depends on site environment and type of equipment, for a system with one entry/exit camera this can be around £100k.

Mobile van enforcement already takes place in the area and other options such as, education through the Community Speedwatch initiative, the use of SID (Speed Indication Devices) and roadside enforcement by local Neighbourhood Officers should also be considered as potential solutions.

Effective engineering measures must also be considered such as the road layout including road humps, chicanes and tyre rumble devices, these can be implemented by Local Authorities in situations where general speed compliance is evidenced as an issue.

Vehicle Crime and Catalytic Converters - Neighbourhood Watch Alert


July 2023

Alert Notice 3/7/23

Vehicle Crime and Catalytic Converters.

Do not let thieves get an easy ride by following these simple steps to protect your vehicle from being stolen.

Locking your vehicle even when filling up at the garage, or parking your car on the drive greatly reduces the risk of being targeted by opportunist thief. Even if you have locked your vehicle, check you have not left a window or sunroof open and never leave any valuable documents inside, handbag, mobile, wallet or the portable Sat Nav on show. Take everything with you.

If your vehicle has wing mirrors that fold automatically when locked make sure you lock it properly as criminal gangs are looking where the wing mirrors are still out because that is a clear sign the vehicle has not been locked .

Never leave your keys in the ignition even if you are just jumping out of the car to post a letter, opening the boot, or paying for petrol, as a thief can easily drive off leaving you stranded.

Keep Keys Safe.

Vehicles today are more difficult to steal unless the thief is able to access your keys or fob to clone them. Never leave your keys by the front door, or in sight.

Cars with keyless entry unlock automatically when the key comes within a short distance of the car. This can be from inside a pocket or bag. If you have to push a button on your car key then you do not have a keyless entry.

Keyless car theft or relay theft is when a device is used to fool the car into thinking the key is close by, this then unlocks the car and starts the engine. Thieves only need to be within a few metres of your car to capture the signal even if it is inside your home, so it is advisable to put your fob into a tin box or security Faraday pouch . These can be bought from Princes Risborough & District NW Asso at £4.00 each.

A simple old fashion sturdy steel lock for the steering wheel, gear stick and pedals or a brightly wheel clamp is enough to put any thief off as they know it is going to be hard work to remove these items from the car. Another inexpensive item is locking wheel nuts to protect your alloy wheels, making it more difficult for a thief to gain access by sliding a potable jack under the car.

You can also have your VIN vehicle identification number etched onto each of the windows so your car can be returned even if given new number plates.

In traffic always drive with your car doors locked and make sure you give yourself enough space in front of your vehicle to get out of a tight spot. If your vehicle is bumped from behind wait to pull over somewhere safe and preferable where there are people. If you are suspicious then call the police.

Catalytic Converter Theft.

Catalytic converters are devices fitted to vehicle exhausts to reduce the amount of dangerous gases emitted. They are often targeted by thieves as they contain valuable metals which can be removed in less than a minute.

If you see a vehicle being raised using a car jack in a car park or residential entry or hear a loud drilling or cutting sound coming from underneath a vehicle then these are signs that a catalytic theft is being committed. If the crime is happening at the time ring 999, or if it has already happened then report it online or ring 101.

To try and prevent catalytic convertors being stolen from your car(s) if you have a driveway try adding lose gravel to deter intruders stepping onto your property, or make sure that fences, bushes and walls in front of your house are no higher than a metre high, as that gives intruders less opportunity to steal. If you need to park in the street make sure you park under a street lamp and try to make it as difficult as possible to get under your car.

There are also locks, and guards for the underside of your cars available such as Catloc or ask your garage to add a serial number to your catalytic converter or mark it with a forensic marker, which in turn makes it more difficult for the thieves to sell on.

Please take care as we are seeing a slight increase in car thefts.

Best wishes


Area Coordinator

Notice of Vacancy


June 2023


Local Government Act 1972- Sections 87 and 89

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat due tothe resignation of Councillor Rolf van Apeldoorn a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of a Parish Councillor for Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council.

If by 15th August 2023 (within 14 days excluding Dies Non after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8FF or via email to** by TEN electors for the Parish, then an election will be held to fill the vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

Dated: 26th July 2023

Signed:Tracey Martin

Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council

** Residents of the parish who wish to request an election must include their names, addressses and a signature and if using the email address we recommend sending a scanned copy of the request.

Party in the Park Family Fun Day

Wades Park Princes Risborough


June 2023

Please see below link to a poster for a Family Fun Day on the 24th June 2023 at Wades Park. 

Neighbourhood Watch Alert - Spot the difference and an Odd call - beware


June 2023

Alert Message 18/6/2023

An odd call - beware

I received a call from an unknown number and on answering a man voice stated he was from Customer Services, but before I could ask what company he was from he said " Can you hear me"

I replied " Yes I can hear you"., to which he replied " so you can hear me".

I replied "I can hear you".

He then said "I just need a yes or no"

So I replied " I can hear you" The caller hangs up.

Luckily I did not answer to his first reply "Yes", because the caller then using the recording of your "Yes" is a way to sign you up to all kinds information you do not want or asked for.

Obviously those who have a telephone preference service in place this caller would not get through but I receive a number of unknown numbers from genuine organisations and people.

Be careful.


Area NW Coordinator

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return


June 2023

Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2023

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27

The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 (SI 234)

1. Date of announcement: Friday 2nd June 2023

2. Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice. As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subject to change as a result of that review.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended March 31st 2023, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to:

Tracey Martin, Clerk to the Parish Council

07521 161 645

on commencing Monday 5th June 2023

and ending on Friday 14th July 2023

3. Local Government Electors and their representatives also have:

· the opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting records; and

· the right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority.

The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose between the above dates only.

4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is subject to review by the appointed auditor under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practice 2015. The appointed auditor is:

PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team); 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HD


5. This announcement is made by Tracey Martin, Clerk to Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council

The Environment Agency are planning to launch a new free flood warning service in your local area.


May 2023

The Environment Agency are pleased to be able to offer a new free flood warning service to residents and businesses located in, or near to, an area at risk of flooding from the Horsenden Stream in Princes Risborough.

Flood warnings give people valuable time to prepare for flooding; time that allows people to move themselves, their families, and precious items to safety.

The new flood warning service is an expansion to an existing flood alert service that we already offer to residents and businesses in the local area who are at risk of flooding from rivers.

The new flood warning service is intended to target those properties that are at the most risk of flooding from the Horsenden Stream, however some properties at lower risk are included in the service.

A small area of the parish of Longwick-cum-Ilmer is covered by the new flood warning service. A map of the new flood warning area is attached so you can see the area it covers within the Longwick-cum-Ilmer parish.

We are currently planning to launch the new service on the 24 May 2023.

Residents and businesses in the new flood warning area should be able to register once the new flood warning area has gone live. Therefore, those residents and businesses who would like to register for the new service must do so after the planned launch date, which is currently proposed for the 24 May 2023.If attempts are made to register before this date our systems will not yet include this new flood warning area.

To get the best experience of the new flood warning service, we recommend that residents and businesses that are within the new flood warning area register their details and create a full account by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or visit our website

We also work with mobile network and telephone providers to automatically register people at risk of flooding to the new service. The service is anonymous and free. If residents and businesses have a phone number that is registered to an address in a flood warning area, and they are with a participating mobile network or telephone provider, they may receive a text or phone message explaining that we will contact them when a flood warning is issued. This does not create an account with full details as we are not provided these by the mobile network and telephone providers. We hold phone numbers securely in our flood warning system in line with our privacy notice.

The accuracy of flood warnings improves over time as we gather more data and get a better understanding of how the river reacts to heavy rainfall. As this is a brand-new service there may be a higher than normal occurrence of false alarms initially.

In some circumstances there may be no time to issue a flood warning in advance so it's important to be prepared, know the signs to look out for and stay alert.

It is important for us to verify what happens every time a flood warning is issued to improve the service. To do this, we deploy staff to affected areas to validate flood extents and our warning alarm levels to improve the accuracy of our warnings.

We welcome involvement from the community to improve the service and would encourage residents and businesses to record and report any actual flooding. If this is something that the Parish Council would be able assist with this would be much appreciated.

You can report incidents of flooding from the river in the new flood warning area within the parish of Longwick-cum-Ilmer to our 24-hour incident hotline number which is 0800 80 70 60 or to Floodline on 0345 988 11 88.

You can find more information on flooding on our website at

You can check flood risk online at

Thames Area Flood Resilience Team

Public Participation at Meetings


May 2023

Public Participation at Meetings

Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council meet and makes its decisions in public and invite members of the public and press to attend meetings and contribute within the public forum.

Parish Council’s meetings are not public meetings; they are meetings held in public and there is no requirement in law to provide an opportunity for the public to question the council however, we welcome residents to attend and raise questions on items on the agenda and 15 minutes is allocated for this prior to the Parish Council meeting.


(Extracted from Parish Council Standing Orders)

Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to in respect of the business on the agenda.

The Period of time designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair of the meeting.

A member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.

Any questions raised shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate on the question. The Chair of the meeting may direct that a written or oral response be given.

A person shall raise his / her / their hand when requesting to speak.

A person who speaks at a meeting shall direct his / her / their comments to the Chair of the meeting.

Only one person is permitted to speak at a time. If more than one person wants to speak, the Chair of the meeting shall direct the order of speaking.

Phone Scam - NW Alert Message 11/5/23


May 2023

I have mentioned about this kind of scam previously as this can happen to anyone but mainly targeting parents as you can see from the message below.

One of our my coordinator's advised me that a member in Walnut Tree Lane had been the intended victim of a scam via mobile phone -

"...I recently received a text message purporting to come from my son informing me that he had dropped his phone in water and was no longer working. He gave me another number and asked me to change my records which I did.

I have now spoken to my son who informs me this is a scam and I should delete the message and number immediately. The number given was 07546 194443..."

Before you do any changes please make contact with your son/daughter/niece or nephew before acting on the information you receive using another phone if possible to check if they have changed their number.

A warning:

There have been a recent increase in reports of "number spoofing". This is when scammers change their caller ID to disguise their identity from the person they are calling.

Many phone handsets now let you see the number of the person calling before you answer. This feature is known as Caller ID, as this helps you to only take the callers you wish to converse with.

However, with "spoofing callers" they deliberately change the telephone number and/or name relayed as the Caller ID information. They do this to hide their identity or to try and mimic the number of the real company or person., which has nothing to do with the real person/company.

Identity thieves who want to steal sensitive information such as your bank account or log in details sometimes use spoofing to pretend they are calling from your bank or credit card company.

You may be aware that spoofed numbers can come from across the world and account for most of our nuisance calls .

So please be wary of any phone calls or text messages that you do not recognise.

Meeting Dates 2023-2024

Longwick Village Hall


May 2023

Meeting Dates 2023-2024

Except when there are clashes with elections or public holidays the Parish Council meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Longwick Village Hall.

Please check the Parish Council’s website for agendas, minute and any lastminute changes.

20th June 2023

18th July 2023

August – no meeting

19th September 2023

17th October 2023

21st November 2023

19th December 2023

16th January 2024

20th February 2024

19th March 2024

16th April 2024 – Annual Meeting of the Parish starting at 7pm followed by the Parish Council meeting

21st May 2024 – Annual Meeting of the Council

First Phase Projects - Proposed Local Speed Limit Changes


May 2023

Please see below links on the First Phase Projects

  • Proposed Local Speed Limit Changes report produced April 2023. 
  • Speed Data from speed surveys 2023

The Parish Council would also like to clarify that although these projects have been proposed to Buckinghamshire Council at this stage there is no guarantee that Buckinghamshire Council will approve all or some of the projects.  

When the Parish Council receives a response from Buckinghamshire Council on which projects can move forwards confirmed costings will be provided to the Parish Council at which stage another vote will be taken by Parish Councillors.

Volunteers Required to Run Newsletter


April 2023

Councillor McPherson reported at the Annual Meeting that the Autumn / Winter edition of the Newsletter will be the last she will produce after 12 years. The Parish Council would like to thank her for all of her efforts on the newsletter which has been well received by residents.

Looking forward if there is a desire for the newsletter to continue it will require a group of volunteers to produce and circulate it as it is a lot of work for just one person to do.The newsletter is not a Parish Council initiative but the Parish Council would be happy to consider a grant towards the printing costs but additional funds from other sources may be required.

If you would like to be involved please contact the Parish Clerk stating your interest and that you are happy for your details to be shared with any other volunteers who come forward and the Clerk will put you in touch with each other.

New Community Garden Opening in Little Meadle


February 2023


If you enjoy gardening and would like an allotment, there is a great new project starting in Little Meadle.

Our Community Garden has been launched by the North West Chilterns Community Board at Buckinghamshire Council in conjunction with Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council.

We are looking for families who would like to grow produce on a free plot and volunteer gardeners who would also like to grow food and help people from all different backgrounds and ages learn how to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers from seed. Anyone really who would like to get involved is very welcome.

Fruit and vegetables may be shared around the group to eat and any surplus given to food banks. Some produce will also be sold with the proceeds being used for next season. Your plot will be free, all we need is your time, passion and commitment.

If you are interested and would like to hear more about this project, please contact:

· Jackie Binning on or call 07816 118011

· Valerie McPherson or call 07815 144691

Vacancy for a Parish Councillor


January 2023

Speedwatch Volunteers Required


January 2023

Do you have an hour to spare one or two times a month. 

Our Speedwatch group are still looking for volunteers.

If you would like more information please contact or complete the registration link:

Once registered we can add you to the WhatsApp group where Speedwatch dates are coordinated.

Proud of Bucks Awards


January 2023

Bledlow Household Recycling Centre reopens next week


January 2023

Press release from Buckinghamshire Council

Next Monday, Buckinghamshire Council will officially be reopening the Bledlow Household Recycling Centre (HRC).

From Monday 16 January 2023 the site will be open five days a week, closing every Wednesday and Thursday. It will open 9am-4pm in the winter (Oct-Mar) and 9am-6pm in the summer (Apr-Sep).

The site will look and feel very similar to other household recycling centres in the county. Buckinghamshire residents can visit free of charge, but there will be costs for disposing of any non-household waste.

Bledlow is a rural site so residents are asked to consider the local area when travelling. The site is most suited for small trips and residents with lots of waste are encouraged to use the larger sites such as Aston Clinton and High Wycombe.

To minimise disruption in nearby villages, residents are asked try to avoid visiting at busier times, like school drop off. Visitors should drive slowly and safely and take care of cyclists, farm machinery and other road users when entering and exiting the site.

Before visiting, residents are encouraged to check the webcams online to see how busy the site is and for the quieter times to visit. All sites are currently open 9am-4pm however during busy periods, especially at weekends, last entry may be before 4pm to allow those already onsite to unload their waste and exit before the site closes. Residents are asked to consider coming back at another time if the site is busy, especially if there are queues outside the site.

Bucks residents are being reminded to bring proof of address when visiting, such as a:

  • council tax statement
  • utility bill
  • passport
  • driving licence

Waste permits will be needed if residents are visiting in vans, or want to use trailers. Trade waste is not allowed on site, please find an alternative site.

Oxfordshire residents, for example those living in the Thame and Chinnor areas, must pay to visit the site. Charges start from approximately £20 per trip for a small car, and nearer £50-60 for a medium-sized car. Alternative household recycling centres in Oxfordshire are available on the Oxfordshire County Council website.

Gareth Williams, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change commented: “The reopening of Bledlow Household Recycling Centre will benefit local residents needing to make a small trip to the tip.

“We’d like to ask users of the site to be considerate of neighbouring communities and villages by driving slowly and being mindful about the impact of queues on traffic congestion. Please check the online webcams to see how busy the site is before visiting Bledlow HRC. If necessary, consider spreading your visits or visit the Aston Clinton or High Wycombe sites for larger trips.

“Based on other recycling centres in Buckinghamshire, we expect the site to be busiest on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and quietest on Tuesday mornings. To manage potential traffic outside the site, some temporary traffic management will be in place with no access turning right into the site from the south. All users are asked to approach the site from the north via Wigans Lane. Please check the website for more information and remember to plan ahead and allow plenty of time for your trip.”

For more information visit

Community Board Cost of Living Update


December 2022

Please see attached document from the Community Boards on the Cost of Living Update

Remembrance Service Friday 11th November at 11am

Longwick War Memorial


November 2022

The Remembrance Service Friday 11th November at 11am

Parish Council Meeting 18th October 2022 - Hall Capacity


October 2022

Due to hall availability the Parish Council meeting tomorrow (18th October) will be held in the meeting room at Longwick Village Hall meaning that we will only be able to allow 20 members of the public to attend due to maximum hall capacity. We would kindly ask that if there are a number of residents wishing to speak on the small matter that a representative is selected to speak on their behalf.

Vacancy for a Parish Councillor


October 2022

Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

The role of a Councillor is very varied and involves attending to the needs of residents and groups, making decisions on local services, collaborating with the Unitary Council to adhere to local needs, and progressing vital projects to invest in the future of the community.

Meetings are held once a month and, on average being a Councillor requires around 10 hours commitment per month.

The Council intends to fill this vacancy by co-option at the full council meeting on Tuesday 15th November 2022.

Expressions of interest are invited from anyone that would like to be considered for co-option.

Eligibility Requirements:

To stand to be a Parish Councillor you must be:

· A UK or Commonwealth citizen; or be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland; or be a citizen of another Member State of the European Union

· At least 18 years old

· An elector of the local council; or in the past 12 months occupied land or other premises in the area the local council serves (as owner or tenant); or work in the area local council serves (as your principal or only place of work); or live within three miles of the local council boundary

To find out more and request an application form please contact the Parish or call 07521 161 645.

Closing date for applications is Friday 4th November 2022.

A Moment of Reflection on the Eve of the Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Longwick Village Hall


September 2022

Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council will be holding

A Moment of Reflection on the Eve of the Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Sunday 18th September 2022 at 7.50pm with the minutes silence taking place at 8pm outside Longwick Village Hall

There will be a minute’s silence, a reading by the Chairman of the Parish Council and singing of the National Anthem

Cancelled - Additional Parish Council Meeting - 13th September 2022

Longwick Village Hall


September 2022

Unfortunately this meeting has been cancelled due to mourning days being classed as Bank Holidays and therefore the agenda not fulfilling the required number of days notice. 

The Parish Council will be holding an additional Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13 September 2022 starting at 7.30pm at Longwick Village Hall to discuss and vote on the Longwick Transport Vision 1st Phase Projects.

The meeting will commence with an extended one hour public participation time where questions can be asked on the proposals followed by discussions by Councillors and a vote on the 1st Phase Projects.

An agenda will be issued in due course.

Notice of Vacancy


September 2022

Please see attached Notice of Vacancy following the resignation of Councillor Roger Wilkes. 



September 2022

Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to His Mercy our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second of Blessed and Glorious Memory, by whose Decease the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is solely and rightfully come to The Prince Charles Philip Arthur George: We, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm and Members of the House of Commons, together with other members of Her late Majesty’s Privy Council and representatives of the Realms and Territories, Aldermen and Citizens of London, and others, do now hereby with one voice and Consent of Tongue and Heart publish and proclaim that The Prince Charles Philip Arthur George is now, by the Death of our late Sovereign of Happy Memory, become our only lawful and rightful Liege Lord Charles the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, to whom we do acknowledge all Faith and Obedience with humble Affection; beseeching God by whom Kings and Queens do reign to bless His Majesty with long and happy Years to reign over us.

Given at St. James’s Palace this Tenth day of September in the year of Our Lord Two thousand and twenty-two.


Book of Condolence Available


September 2022

Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council has placed books of condolence in the Post Office and Briants for residents wishing to leave a message of condolence following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

These will be available until the day following the funeral and will then be collated and stored at County Archives.

Longwick Transport Vision Final Report


August 2022

Please see below link to the full Transport Initiative Report which the Parish Council hopes will help residents understand the proposals which were made to Buckinghamshire Council. The proposals which were made are at this stage still draft and no decisions have been made as to which projects will proceed. The Parish Council is considering holding an additional Parish Council meeting the date for which will be published shortly. This will give residents a chance to voice any concerns and Councillors the opportunity to vote on the draft proposals

Play Around the Parish

Longwick Playing Fields


August 2022

Please see attached flyer for details of an free event which is being held on Longwick Playing Fields on the 12th August 2022 .

Longwick Transport Vision and the First Phase Projects


August 2022

Please find below a link to the Longwick Transport Vision First Phase Projects which has been presented to Buckinghamshire Councils Cabinet Member for Transport.  

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 21-22 Account


August 2022

The audit of accounts for the year 2021-2022 have now been completed. 

A notice of the conclusion of the audit can be found on the below link.  

Cost of Living Support


July 2022

Please find below a link for information on the Cost of Living Support available

Volunteers Required for Community Speedwatch


July 2022

The Parish Council recently purchased Community Speedwatch equipment and is now looking for a group of volunteers to operate the equipment.  Full Training will be provided. 

For further information or to register your interest please contact the Parish Clerk: 

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return


May 2022


Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return

Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2022

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27

The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 (SI 234)

1. Date of announcement: Monday 30th May 2022

2. Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice. As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subject to change as a result of that review.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended March 31st 2022, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to:

Tracey Martin, Clerk to the Parish Council

07521 161 645

on commencing Wednesday 1st June 2022

and ending on Thursday 14th July 2022

3. Local Government Electors and their representatives also have:

· the opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting records; and

· the right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority.

The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose between the above dates only.

4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is subject to review by the appointed auditor under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practice 2015. The appointed auditor is:

PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team); 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HD


5. This announcement is made by Tracey Martin, Clerk to Longwick cum Ilmer Parish Council



May 2022

The Parish Council has been offered some free Trees which are mostly whips but there are some beech and oak and other varieties.

We are asking residents for their suggestions on the placement of these trees.

The trees can also be planted on private land but if on private land we would ask the land owner to "adopt" a tree or trees and agree to look after by watering them until established.

The trees will be available from the last week in November.

Numbers are limited so please email the clerk on: to register your interest by the end of June 22.

Interactive Dementia Awareness Experience on Friday 20th May 2022 at Risborough Community Centre


May 2022

The North West Chilterns Community Board is delighted to announce they have arranged the Interactive Dementia Awareness Experience on Friday 20th May 2022 at Risborough Community Centre, Wades Park, Stratton Road, Princes Risborough, HP27 9AX

The Virtual Dementia Tour is a life changing experience and the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain an experience of what dementia might be like. Enter the world of a person with dementia and understand the simple changes you can make to your practice and to the environment to improve the lives of people with dementia. 

The Virtual Dementia Tour is taken by over 200,000 people per year in the UK and is the benchmark training that other providers strive to achieve. Already commissioned by over 18 NHS Trusts, 4 HSE Trusts, Care homes, Nursing Homes, Police, Prisons, Ambulance, Universities and Colleges, Councils, CCGs, CQC, Electric and Water Companies, Families and many more, the Virtual Dementia Tour has an impact that just cannot be matched or replicated. 

There are four sessions available with nine places including an interactive experience on the specially designed vehicle followed by a group debrief. The training will be provided by Home - Training 2 Care UK Ltd Please feel free to book a place(s) on the above link. 

If you have any difficulties, please contact Jackie Binning on

Please see attached flyer below for booking link. 

Volunteer Gardeners Required for Grow to Eat Project


April 2022

If you enjoy gardening and would be interested in helping others to grow their own vegetables, there’s a great new project starting in Longwick.

Grow to Give has been launched by the North West Chiltern Community Board at Buckinghamshire Council in conjunction with Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council.

We are looking for volunteer gardeners to help people from all different backgrounds and ages learn how to grow vegetables and flowers from seed to produce.

Vegetables will be shared around the group to eat and any surplus given to food banks. Some produce will also be sold with the proceeds being used for the next season.

If you are interested and would like to hear more about this project, please contact on or call 01296 585495.

Important changes to bin collections in the south of the county


April 2022

Press Release from Buckinghamshire Council

19 April 2022

Important changes to bin collections in the south of the county

Letters will be arriving by post this week and next to residents living in the former Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe district areas explaining the upcoming new bin collection day schedules and improvements to the recycling and waste service.

Buckinghamshire Council and waste contractor, Veolia, are making some vital improvements to bin collection rounds in the former Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe district areas. As a result, most residents are likely to have a change of bin collection day from the week commencing Monday 9 May.

Residents should look out for a letter from Buckinghamshire Council, expected to arrive in the post between 21 April and 27 April. The letter explains the upcoming new bin collection schedules and the improvements to the recycling and waste service. It will also contain a new bin collection calendar to help illustrate the changes and provide further detail on the improved recycling and waste service.

Some properties will experience an extended period between collections as the new bin day schedules are introduced. These properties have been provided with an additional one-off collection taking place the week commencing Monday 2 May.

Please read these letters and calendars carefully and take note of any changes to the bin collection day including whether you have an additional one-off collection. Please also note that collection times may also vary due to route changes, so please make sure bins are left out by 6:30am on the relevant day.

The new collection rounds have been optimised to increase efficiency, be more resilient, and help future-proof the service by taking into account new housing developments in the south of the county. The changes will make sure a punctual, reliable, and consistent service is provided for all residents by allowing for better allocation of resources which in turn will help balance the workload of the collection crews. They have also enabled new benefits such as kerbside collection services for small electrical items, textiles and batteries to be introduced.

The frequency of household collections will not change; with recycling and general rubbish collected on alternate weeks, and food recycling collected weekly.

Councillor Peter Strachan, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change said:
"Last year Buckinghamshire Council, with waste contractor, Veolia, invested in a new state-of-the-art vehicle fleet to increase round capacity and fuel efficiency. The next stage of ongoing improvements is the redesigning of residents’ bin collection rounds to future-proof the service as the number of new homes in the county grows.

“We know that these bin collection changes may cause some small disruption in the short term as residents and crews get used to the new bin collection days. We will be supporting residents across the southern areas to ensure they have all the information they need and that the changes go through smoothly.

“I would like to encourage residents to please read your letters and calendars carefully, so you are aware and ready for the upcoming changes coming into effect from Monday 9 May.”

Further information in the form of FAQs can be found on the reverse of the letter.

Annual Meeting of the Parish - Tuesday 19th April 2022

Longwick Logo


March 2022



  • A change to meeting your Parish Councillors
  • Have your say on your local community
  • Share any concerns which you may have

There will also be the following reports:

  • Chairman’s Report
  • Buckinghamshire Council Report from Risborough Ward Councillors
  • Representative from Thames Valley Police to provide an update


Followed by the monthly Parish Council meeting at 8pm which you are welcome to stay and observe.

Please just turn up on the night but if you would like further information, please contact the Parish Clerk:

An appeal has been launched by the UK's Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to help Ukrainians fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.


March 2022

An appeal has been launched by the UK's Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to help Ukrainians fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

To make a donation to the appeal please click the below link. Any amount will go a long way to help the DEC charities provide food, water, shelter and healthcare to refugees and displaced families.

Buckinghamshire's Local Heritage List - Looking for Nominations and Volunteers


January 2022

Please see below link to information shared with the Parish Council from Buckinghamshire's Local Heritage List who are looking for help in nominating buildings and volunteers to assist with surveys.

New Playground Equipment Now Open

Longwick Playground


November 2021

The Parish Council is delighted to announce that the new piece of playground equipment is open for use. 

We hope your little ones enjoy using it. 

New Playground Equipment Now Open

Longwick Playground


November 2021

The Parish Council is delighted to announce that the new piece of playground equipment is open for use. 

We hope your little ones enjoy using it. 

Remembrance Service Thursday 11th November at 11am

Longwick War Memorial


November 2021

The Remembrance Service will take place at Longwick War Memorial on Thursday 11th November at 11am. 

Waddesdon Church of England School - Statutory consultation on proposed changes to the school's admission arrangements from September 2023


October 2021

The Parish Council have been notified of the following:

Subject: Statutory consultation on proposed changes to the school's admission arrangements from September 2023

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to inform you that the Governing Body of Waddesdon Church of England School has commenced a consultation on proposed changes to the school’s admission arrangements which would take effect from the beginning of the academic year 2023 to 2024. I attach a letter giving more details and I would be grateful if you could bring it to the attention of your parishioners and any other interested parties.

The changes proposed are:

  • minor changes to the catchment area which have been requested by Buckinghamshire Council to ensure that all properties in the County have a catchment school
  • inclusion of wording to state the normal age for admission to the Sixth Form and the procedure for applications for a place for children out of their normal age group
  • the addition of a supplementary information form to assist in the verification of catchment addresses

The full proposed admission arrangements are available on the school website at

The consultation will run from 1 October 2021 until 12 November 2021.

If you have any comments on the proposed changes, please send them to myself.

Best wishes

Nicki Logan

Clerk to the Governing Body

Waddesdon Church of England School

Clerk to Governors <>

A reminder that dogs are not permitted within the playground area


September 2021

A reminder that dogs are not permitted in the playground area regardless of whether they are on or off a lead.

Traffic and Travel in Longwick-cum Ilmer Parish – Informal Drop in Consultation

Longwick School


July 2021

The Parish Council have employed a transport consultant to prepare a Transport Vision for Longwick and the surrounding hamlets within the parish.

Following the questionnaire many of you filled in earlier in the year and the discussion groups some of you attended, come and find out what the consultants have proposed to overcome the traffic and transport issues in the parish.

An informal drop-in consultation for local residents and businesses will be held at

Longwick School on Friday 23rd July 1.30-4pm and 5-7.30pm

Come and see us, chat to the people working on this task, ask questions and let us know what you think. What you see is not set in stone and you still have an opportunity to influence the outcome.

It is likely that there will be no official COVID restrictions in place on that day but please could you still wear a mask and observe the current physical distancing rules as not everyone will have been vaccinated.

If you are not able to attend an online version of the exhibition will be available on the Parish Council website near the time along with a form to let you tell us your comments.

If you would like to discuss the above or for more information please contact Councillor Valerie McPherson

Free advice and training for Bucks small charities


June 2021

National Small Charity Week(14-19 June) celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work carried out by small charities in Buckinghamshire. It also offers them the opportunity to participate in training at both a national and local level to equip them with information and skills to overcome challenges and to thrive.

With four out of five charitable organisations in the county considered small (annual income of under £100,000), the vast majority of Bucks not-for-profits have been hit hard by the pandemic which has restricted income generation while driving up demand for services.

If you work or volunteer for a Bucks voluntary organisation which needs help, local charity Community Impact Bucks supports groups at all stages of their development from getting started, to developing policies and procedures, and securing funds and volunteers through online resources, training and events, and one-to-one tailored advice. To find out how the Community Impact Bucks team could help, read its Small but Mighty blog which also gives details on how to receive weekly updates on new funds and resources.

MUGA nets available to play tennis, 5 a side football, basketball etc


May 2021

There is a locker at the playing fields by the MUGA which contains a net and assembly instructions for games that can be played on this Multi Use Games Area (MUGA).

The Yellow lines have been laid out for tennis, White for 5 a side football, and Red for basketball. The net can also be positioned for badminton or volleyball.

To use the net please contact or call 07815 144691 to obtain the code to the locker. 

After use please replace it in the locker as you found it.

No Off Roaders Permitted at Longwick Playing Fields


May 2021

The Parish Council does not permit the use of E-Scooters, Motorcycles or any other Motorised Vehicle at Longwick Playing Fields and it is a criminal offence to drive any powered vehicle on private land without the land owner’s permission and offenders can be prosecuted.

Postponed - Annual Parish Meeting & Parish Council Meeting


April 2021

Longwick cum Ilmer's Annual Parish Meeting and the Monthly Parish Council Meeting have been postponed from Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Wednesday 28th April 2021. This is due to the official mourning period for the Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh.The agenda and Zoom details can be found on our website from Monday 19th April 2021.

Notice of Uncontested Election


April 2021

Please see attached PDF Notice of Uncontested Election

Bledlow Ridge Household Recycling Centre


April 2021

The Bledlow Household Recycling Centre Community Interest Company has lodged an appeal against the non determination of the following planning application:

CM/0002/20- Proposed continuation of the use of the land as a Household Recycling Site as currently consented by planning permission no. CC/3/83- Bledlow Household Recycling Centre, Wigans Lane, Bledlow Ridge.

All representations should be made to the Planning Inspectorate by 22nd April 2021 either online: Reference: APP/P0430/W/21/3266409 ( or in writing to :

Neil Devereux

The Planning Inspectorate

Room3C Eagle

Temple Quay House

2 The Square

Bristol BS1 6PN

Appeal reference: APP/PO430/W/21/3266409

We look forward to you submitting a representation of support for this facility to re-open.

If you have any questions, please email:

Maggie's Solar Farm - Consultation


March 2021

Please see below links for more information and feedback form for Maggie's Solar Farm Consultation  

Notice of Elections


March 2021

Competition - Well done to all the Children who entered


February 2021

Well done to all the children who entered our Competition to draw / design a Poster on Reducing Speeding in the Village and Hamlets. We were overwhelmed with all the entries, they were fantastic. Winners have been contacted and all children who entered received a prize.



February 2021


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) is calling on all community heroes to step up and become a local (parish and town) Councillor at the 2021 elections.

What do Councillors do?

Local Councillors are the champions of their community who invest time in local projects and issues to the benefit of residents and theneighborhood. Councillors attend to local needs of residents, local groups and businesses, make decisions onlocal services, collaborate with district and borough councils to adhere to localneeds, and progress vital projects to invest in the future of the community.

What do councils do?

Councils lead on community services such as allotments, footpaths, public seating and litter bins, but also larger projects such as the running of local transport,leisure services, youth services and climate change initiatives. These activities arefunded by a local tax, called a precept which is determined by the council.

How long does it take?

NALC's Local Councillor Census Survey found that councillors put aside, on average, three hours a week for council work. Council work often includesattending meetings, engaging with residents and speaking to local groups andbodies on behalf of the council.

Can I stand for election?

You must be:

• A British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth, or the European Union

• 18 years of age or older

For further information contact

Competition: Draw / Design a Poster on Reducing Speeding in the Village and Hamlets


January 2021

Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council are running a competition for all children who live in the Parish between the ages of 3-11 years to design a hand drawn A4 poster and a photo submitted or created on a computer. The theme is: Reducing Speeding in the Village and Hamlets.

The Parish Council will judge the entries and prizes will be awarded in the following categories: 3-5, 6-8, & 9-11 years. Each category will have a 1st, 2nd & runner up prize in the form of an Amazon e-gift card which will be sent direct to the parents email address.

Please send your entry into Val by Saturday 20 February including the following information : Name of child, age, and email address .


The winners will be informed by Monday 22 February.

All design posters will be displayed around the Village and Hamlets.

Parish Council Meetings


December 2020

Please note that Parish Council meetings are being held virtually until further notice. Please contact the clerk if you wish to participate.

Usually the Parish Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month (except August) in Longwick Village Hall at 7.00pm. Meetings usually last about two hours.

The first ten minutes are available for the public to express their view or ask a question on relevant matters on the agenda and they are welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting.

Buckinghamshire Council Budget 2021-22 Consultation

Buckinghamshire Council


October 2020

Each year the Council must prepare a budget and as part of the process seeks the views of residents and businesses regarding priority areas for the year ahead.

Covid-19 testing

Buckinghamshire Council


August 2020

Buckinghamshire Council latest on Covid testing

Click on link for details

Community briefing COVID19

Libraries launch request and collect service

Buckinghamshire Library


June 2020

Covid-19 testing at High Wycombe and Aylesbury

High Wycombe and Aylesbury


May 2020

Covid-19 mobile testing will be available at High Wycombe Park and Ride and now Aylesbury. 

Check details to see if you are eligible for testing please visit

Covid testing Press Release from Buckinghamshire Council

Coronavirus – Help for Longwick



April 2020

The Parish Council intends to do all it can for its Parish for the duration of this Coronavirus outbreak.

Click here for a page of useful information and contacts for use during these difficult times.

Revised Bin Collection Dates - Dec 23 / Jan 24