07521 161645
Emergency Help in the Parish
An updated version of the full emergency plan is available click link to Emergency Plan
Nearly all emergencies affecting Longwick-cum-Ilmer will be dealt with routinely by police, ambulance, local authorities and the major utilities. However, there may be occasions when circumstances such as storm damage or deep snow, delay the arrival of outside assistance, and the community could help itself.
The Parish Council has established a list of volunteers who have agreed to help when called upon. The assistance offered includes driving with 4×4 vehicles (perhaps to appointments or even for food and other provisions); help with other vehicles like tractors and snow ploughs and equipment such as chain saws, and first aid.
This service is considered to be of most potential value to vulnerable people within the community, who do not have friends or relatives to call upon in their hour of need. To request emergency help, please call one of the Emergency Team from the following list:
Councillor Val McPherson (Chair) 07815 144 691
Councillor Jane Rogers 01844 347 906
Your request will be matched to one or more volunteers, where possible, and provided assistance can be mobilised, it could soon be on its way to you.
Neighbourhood Watch
Val McPherson
Tel: 07815 144691
For Allotments within the Parish and Princes Risborough contact Sue Coombs: 07774 944 324 or s.coombs@princesrisboroughtowncouncil.gov.uk
For Allotments within Meadle contact Jane Rogers: j.rogers@longwickcumilmer.org.uk
Longwick Pre-School
Lisa Lowles: Manager
Email: longwickpreschool@gmail.com
Longwick Church of England Combined School
Tel: 01844 344769
Email: office@lgw.odbst.org
Tea at Three
Bernard Zend
Email: zend_8@hotmail.com
Woman’s Institute
Judy Rivers
01844 335478
Longwick Village Hall
Julie Lawrence
Tel:01844 346738
Playing Field
Tracey Martin
Tel: 07521 161645
St Peter’s Church Ilmer
Parish Office Tel: 01844 273300
Website: stmaryrisborough.org.uk/stpeter-church
St. Peter’s Church Owlswick
Team Vicar: The Rev'd Peter Godden
Tel: 01844 27441
Email: revpetergodden@outlook.com
Website: www.stunstanschurch.com
St Michael’s and All Angels Church Horsenden
The Rev'd Norbert Mutuku
Tel: 01844 344762