
Devolved Services Explained

The Parish Council has some devolved services from Buckinghamshire Council.

This includes clearance of a limited number of footpaths, maintenance of some grass verges in the Parish and the responsibility to write to landowners requesting they cut back hedges and trees which are encroaching footpaths or highways.

If you see something that needs reporting please do so in the following way:

FixMyStreet for issues on pavements, roads or cycleways: https://fixmystreet.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/

Issues with a public footpath, bridleway or byway: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/environment/countryside-and-public-rights-of-way/public-rights-of-way/report-an-issue-with-a-public-footpath-bridleway-or-byway/

Once a report has been made this will go to Buckinghamshire Council and then be allocated to the correct department including being sent to the Parish Council if it falls under Devolved Services.

Why use the above online reporting tools:

By using the above tools, it will mean the Council / Parish Council have an exact location of the issue. Residents can also provide photographic evidence meaning the report can be dealt with quicker without having to visit the site.

When you make a report, you will receive a reference number and receive updates on the actions taken and when the report is resolved. The Parish Council is always happy to follow up on any reports which have been made but not actioned in a timely manner. Please contact the Parish Clerk with your reference number and details of the report who will then liaise with Buckinghamshire Council’s Local Area Technician.

What action will be taken:

Verges: If the verge is devolved to the Parish Council, we will arrange for it to be cut back.

Footpaths: If the verge is devolved to the Parish Council, we will arrange for it to be cut back.

Overgrown trees / hedges: The Parish Council will follow the devolved services process and write to the landowner requesting they cut back the encroachment. If there is no action taken then the Parish Council will send a second letter after 14 days, again if there is no action the Parish Council will send a third letter. If after a further 14 days there is still no action taken on the issue then the Parish Council will hand this back to Buckinghamshire Council’s Local Area Technician who can arrange for the cut to take place and for the residents to be charged for these works. The majority of landowners will take action after the first letter is received however; the process does need to be followed so that Buckinghamshire Council can recoup the costs through their legal department if they are required to carry out the works.

Some verges and footpaths are the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Council and if this is the case they will schedule in the necessary works and your report will be updated online to reflect this.

If any residents have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk clerk@longwickcumilmer.org.uk who will be happy to answer any questions.