07521 161645
Competition: Draw / Design a Poster on Reducing Speeding in the Village and Hamlets
Competition: Draw / Design a Poster on Reducing Speeding in the Village and Hamlets
Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council are running a competition for all children who live in the Parish between the ages of 3-11 years to design a hand drawn A4 poster and a photo submitted or created on a computer. The theme is: Reducing Speeding in the Village and Hamlets.
The Parish Council will judge the entries and prizes will be awarded in the following categories: 3-5, 6-8, & 9-11 years. Each category will have a 1st, 2nd & runner up prize in the form of an Amazon e-gift card which will be sent direct to the parents email address.
Please send your entry into Val by Saturday 20 February including the following information : Name of child, age, and email address .
Email: v.mcpherson@longwickcumilmer.org.uk
The winners will be informed by Monday 22 February.
All design posters will be displayed around the Village and Hamlets.